Mindful Kids ONLINE is a spin off of the popular "Mindful Kids" after school enrichment programs in Los Angeles.
The class combinesMindfulness lessons, Movement & Yoga, Games, Sharing and Fun activities.
Wednesdays & Fridays 11:00 - 12:00 pm
$16 drop-in, via Zoom meeting. Zoom sign-up info will be emailed to you once you are registered.
Taught by Brooke Campanelli, Mindfulness instructor/founder of Mindful Kids LA exposes kids ages 5-9 to the lifelong benefits of mindfulness, meditation and conscious movement.
Mindfulness lessons help kids with emotional regulation, focus, concentration, compassion, empathy, self awareness and impulse control. In addition to Mindfulness lessons infused throughout the lesson, kids will also benefit from engaging activities, games, and movement.
They will learn tools they can use when they are dealing with anger/frustration and to help with self-regulating. These skills will be taught in a playful and tangible way through games and art so that kids can access these life skills during moments of being triggered at home, on the playground and at school.
For questions about the Mindful Kids camp and additional information, please contact Brooke Campanelli at LAMindfulKids@gmail.com